Saturday, August 4, 2012

Envigour Health and Fitness Brochure/Personal Magazine ...


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Project Description:

We are a new company offering personal training programmes for individuals. Each of our clients will receive a specific A5 size magazine containing amongst other things their own personal exercise programme. Now, I would like these to have a health and fitness magazine feel yet they only have to be quite simple as I want them to look slightly more professional than a standard exercise magazine yet they still need to be fin to look at and consequently read. I will write all of the content myself and this needs to be able to be edited by myself as like I said each content will be slightly different.

It is the front cover of this magazine/brochure that I will need designing along with 20 pages. The front covers will need to be able to contain a changeable name of a person and the envigour logo which is attached. The actual pages of the magazine will need to contain the envigour logo, envigour website ( and page numbers. I will need a table of contents in there also and all page titles will need to be editable.

To begin with then at the very least I will need a front cover and a different page for the titles 'welcome', 'your personal consultant', 'Eating smartly' and 'How to perform your exercises'. Images to compliment such titles need to be fun yet professional and are most certainly needed.

This project will be ongoing but it will definitely be worth your while. It is pretty much a blank canvas. Attached are a couple of samples and the logo needed to be used. Everything needs to be editable.

Skills required:

Additional Files:

envigour.jpg Sample.doc Sample+2.doc




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Project posted by:

lgibbo1989 United Kingdom
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Last seen: Aug 03, 2012 6:29 PM EDT


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